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i need this mixtape to be unlistenable. i'm talking weapons grade hot garbage. no song should flow well into the next. at no point should i feel comfortable. i want to look at this mp3 and feel proud of ruining a perfectly good file format.
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Track # 1
sunkern-plus on Feb 09, 2024

i'm so sorry.

Track # 2
sunkern-plus on Feb 09, 2024

i could fill so much of this with. with songs from so bad it's horrible

Track # 3
snap on Feb 09, 2024

Track # 4
sunkern-plus on Feb 09, 2024

have you heard of dingo pictures? now you have!

Track # 5
sunkern-plus on Feb 09, 2024

this song slowed down my computer

Track # 6
TreasonDarling on Feb 09, 2024

( ̄ー ̄)b

Track # 7
NARFNra on Feb 09, 2024

you said unlistenable and i immediately thought of this. im sorry