i'm in love, but i'm feeling low, for i am just a footprint in the snow. i'm in love with a boy i know, but that's a feeling i can never show.

daddy, you're the one that claimed that He loved me through the flame. now why can't you do the same?

i was born in the shadows of preachers and saints, i was raised in a house of God. but the blood on my lips and the dirt on my face is all the religion i've got.

well i've been there, sitting in that same chair, whispering that same prayer half a million times. it's a lie though, buried in disciples. one page of the Bible isn't worth a life.

and God was a word i had spoken but i hardly knew, kneelin' down at the altar with no clue who i was talkin' to.

my best friend found God, so we lost touch. i guess a Savior beats a friend who thinks you're good enough. i hope she finds love and peace, and if her kid comes out, i hope that she calls me.

when i am dead, i won't join their ranks, 'cause they are both holy and free. and i'm in ohio, satanic and chained up. and until the end, that's how it'll be.