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songs about a real piece of shit performing dastardly deeds
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Track # 1
Mentat on May 16, 2024

Framing a guy for the murder of his lover is pretty bad.

Track # 2
Mentat on May 16, 2024

If you don't fear hell, why not S-I-N?

Track # 3
Mentat on May 16, 2024

We stan an evil queen. Support women's wrongs.

Track # 4
Mentat on May 16, 2024

Undeniable sire of diabolical.

Track # 5
Mentat on May 16, 2024

If the killings veil love, should the heros play dumb?

Track # 6
Mentat on May 16, 2024

It's fine to commit atrocities if you feel bad about them.

Track # 7
Mentat on May 16, 2024

I put this in instead of more MCR. Fuck it, right? I mean sure, there's two Coheed tracks, but they're from very different eras, so I think it's probably fine. And this song is a banger, let's be real.