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If you're going to be yelling, then you might as well have a soundtrack for it.
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Track # 1
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

Doom music is good for yelling

Track # 2
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024


Track # 3
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

a youth pastor told me this is a bad song

Track # 4
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

when everything fuckin breaks

Track # 5
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

I miss robot unicorn attack

Track # 6
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

there's no lyrics so you can take a moment to breathe and just dance

Track # 7
ravingsockmonkey on Feb 08, 2024

scream as you like - your gods can't hear you