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This is a good playlist to create things to. Or not. Lyrics are ok but sometimes they get in the way. This is about *feelings* and *ideas.*
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Track # 1
Summerdown on Jun 03, 2024

Had to pick at least one track first, will add more later.

Track # 2
Summerdown on Jun 03, 2024

Really like this one's lyrics.

Track # 3
Summerdown on Jun 03, 2024

There. Last track for tonight. Have fun adding your own if you feel like sticking to the theme.

Track # 4
Summerdown on Jun 04, 2024

Good for when you're stomping-mad at mainly yourself for small stuff clogging your dopamine receptors.

Track # 5
Summerdown on Jun 04, 2024

Same as track 4 but now you're tired.

Track # 6
Summerdown on Jun 10, 2024

Should be getting into a groove here.

Track # 7
Summerdown on Jun 10, 2024

You know what they say: Do it bored. Even if I feel like my time's running out I can still enjoy being here, doing things to the best of my ability.